Welcome to the New Lark & Linen

Photos: Heidi Lau
Oh man – I can’t even tell you how good it feels to be writing this post. I’ve been on this soul-searching journey for years now, and one of the things I’ve been focusing on is trying to figure out what the future of my business is going to look like. With my more limited time these days, keeping my blog and my design site separate hasn’t made sense for me for a while now. But uncovering what’s next and figuring out how to seamlessly combine the two has taken a lot of inner (and outer) work. What is my focus? What is it that really makes my heart sing?

I’ve been working closely with Saffron Avenue to combine my two websites – my two passions – into one detailed, comprehensive, organized, beautiful, design site that marries all of it and I can’t even believe we’re finally here. We’ve created a fancy new shop that I plan on staying fully on top of with regular updates (complete with seasonal menus like this fall board and a Halloween one too, both of which tickle me to no end).

{the shop in action}
We’ve also created a number of detailed intake forms for all of my clients (gah – the organization!). I’ve finally updated my portfolio, which has also encouraged me to prioritize shooting a few past projects that never did see the proper light of day (unacceptable). It’s all so dang organized inside and out, which is so exciting. With this new design site-meets-blog under my belt (plus finally pulling the trigger on our home renovations), I’m feeling like a brand new human in so many ways. I’m revved up to create new content in a way that I haven’t felt in years. Things just feel so aligned and so, so good.

{the portfolio in action}
So you might be asking yourself what’s next? Well, to be honest, I’ve stopped trying to figure it all out. I’m trying to let go of the control and I’m very much leaning into what feels good right now. I’m excited for you to join me as it all unfolds.
What I do know is that, over a decade ago, my blog started as more of a personal journal whereas my design site was reserved for my professional stuff. My blog was a way to jot down my thoughts, document my work, and explore the things that light me up. But as my readership grew, so did my desire to pull back; to hide behind the scenes, to place the focus on other designer’s work, to not allow myself to be seen. To be vulnerable. Oof. But no more! I miss the good ol’ days of blogging and hope to reintroduce some if it with a fresh perspective.

I still plan on sharing a whole lot of what brought you here to start with. Beautiful interiors, jaw dropping home tours, design help, inspiration of the prettiest variety… But I want to bring back a lot more of me. More candid posts, personal entries. A closer look at my own work, my own life, our own upcoming renovations, and what really makes me sing.
I’m still working on smoothing out a couple of small kinks – if you do find anything that isn’t working, broken links or anything of the sort, please do let me know so I can rectify it immediately. Thank you for being here. I can’t wait to see what’s next and I hope you’ll stick around for the ride.

Photos: Heidi Lau